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Dynamic Aninotes

Custom Aninotes


Monday April 23rd, 2012 - We are Anonymous!

I've completed a new Aninote We.are.Anonymous, which features dynamic audio technology. I'm not sure if I'll be using this at all for other Aninotes due to the added overhead, but I'm happy how this turned out.

Check out more information here.

- Robert

Sunday April 15th, 2012 - Major content update

I’m very happy to announce that I’ve completed the first Aninote since the relaunch that would have been impossible to do years ago, without the new animation engine I’ve built from scratch. Ask.the.Sphere is an Aninote designed to provide a wide variety of answers to your questions. You can read more details here, or go to the example http://Will.2012.be.the.year.the.world.ends.ask.the.Sphere.Aninote.com – If the response is negative, it’s lying! I’ve designed it so that I can easily add answers later on, so I will be doing that once I can think of some to add. Since it is the most complicate Aninote built so far, it also took the longest to build.

I’ve also added the ability for you to watch Aninotes (registration required). Before sending an Aninote to someone, or posting it publicly, you have the option to add the Aninote URL to your watch list. This will allow you to see when people viewed the Aninote, how many times it has been viewed, which country the person who viewed it was located it in.

If you add an Ask.the.Sphere Aninote to your watched list before sending it to someone, you will be able to see the answer that was provided to them.

- Robert

Tuesday April 3rd, 2012

I've continued the redesign work and have essentially rebuilt a lot of the interface to modernize the site, focusing on the forms. This should allow me to add new features on the site more rapidly. The only thing I havn't updated is 'Custom Aninotes', as there is a good chance I'll be replacing this functionality with something different in the future. I've almost complete the feature which will allow you to 'watch' dynamic Aninotes, and how many people visit them. Hopefully I'll get the kinks ironed out in the next week or two. As always, let me know if I've broken anything.

- Robert

Friday March 16th, 2012

I've spent the last week making signficant design updates/tweaks to both the front/back-end of the site to attempt to hopfully make it easier to navigate, and to give the site a bit of a face lift. I still have quite a bit of work to do before I'm satisfied, but I'm quite pleased with the changes I've made so far. As always, please let me know if I broke something in the process!

- Robert

Thursday March 8th, 2012

Just a quick update. I've finished making the requires updates to the HTML5 Mutato engine, and the new Has.Arrived Aninote now works on devices that do not support flash such as the iPad. Keep in mind that HTML5 has inconsistant support (especially with animated content), so results may vary.

- Robert

Monday March 5th, 2012

http://The.Aninote.Mutato.Engine.Has.Arrived.Aninote.com - WOOT!

I’ve been extremely busy over the past few months. After completing the HTML5 animation engine I took a break to play some Battlefield 3, build/fix stuff around the house, and some other stuff. Recently I’ve put a considerable amount of effort into learning ActionScript 3, and building the Flash version of the Aninote Animation engine, known as “Mutato”. The idea is to be able to animate any Aninote using just code, instead of having to animate everything in Flash. Why? Well hopefully you’ll find out sooner rather than later. The short of it is that I can do a LOT more neat things that I’ve always wanted to do now. I still have a LOT of work to do, but the engine is now useable to make Aninotes far more flexible than I could ever before. To introduce the engine I’ve decided to make a new Aninote with it, showing off some of the flexibility I now have.

http://The.Aninote.Mutato.Engine.Has.Arrived.Aninote.com for an ‘it’
http://Aliens.From.Mars.Have.Arrived.Aninote.com for a ‘they’
http://The.Almighty.Robert.Arrived.Aninote.com for an ‘I’

I have some other Aninote ideas I’ll be doing shortly, but I figured this was an easier, and more appropriate one to put up. Next I need to add on to the HTML5 version of the engine to keep up. As can now honestly say I was right, HTML5 makes me cringe compared to AS3. *sigh*

- Robert

Thursday October 20th, 2011

One consideration I've had lately when drafting some plans on how I can grow Aninote.com, is that there is a chance that Flash may have an end of life. There are also a number of Apple devices that do not, and may never support flash, which is required to view Aninotes. Even though the finalized HTML5 standard is still in its infancy, and not even due to be finalized until 2020+, Apple and others encourage its use as an alternative.

I have been working on the Aninote HTML5 animation engine for about a month straight now. I've animated You Are Mighty with it as an early functionality test. I have some long term plans on what I'll be using this for, but for now my short term objective is to make it so all current and new Aninotes are viewable to people with modern devices that do not have the Flash plug-in. If you wish to have a look at it, and have Firefox, go to 'Tools -> Add-ons -> Plugins', and disable 'Shockwave Flash' before viewing the You Are Mighty Aninote. I've tried to make it the same as the original version, and believe I have been very successful in that attempt.

For any geeks or designers interested in HTML5, I can say after building a HTML5 player from the ground up that flash for full screen animations is still far superior. Mainly, because HTML5 Canvas is much slower (unlike what Apple suggests), and using javascript to build synchronized animations is painful. Making web applications on the other hand, I can see the real potential in using it.

I may change my opinion after I finish learning ActionScript 3, but I doubt it.

When I'm done what I'm working on, I'll be able to craft new Aninotes, animated 100% with code (and science!) supporting both Flash and non-flash browsers. This means I will be able to make them significantly more dynamic.

Please let me know if anyone has trouble viewing You Are Mighty moving forward, especially if you have flash and could view them before.

- Robert

Friday September 16th, 2011

Why Hello! I'm back!

After being around for over 5 years, Aninote.com ceased to exist entirelly due to a number of reasons. I was fairly burnt out with all of my various Internet projects as I bit off a lot more then I had time to handle, and our Internet Service Provider decided to upgrade their billing system, causing our infrastructure to go offline without notice. About a week ago, I was starting to search through the Intarwebs about some of the things I used to run/do, and I was feeling regretfully nostalgic about my old defunct Aninote project. I took notice to various sites and groups had posts throughout the past few year and even recently with hoping the service could return once again. Challenge accepted!

It can't say that it's perfect, but I've worked hard to restore everything to become fully operational once again, keeping things as true to the original site as I could. I've even finished some half-developed features, and made other minor improvements were I could. All of my old domains were left to expire in time, so I've had to work around that. The domain names won't look as cool, but putting everything under Aninote.com provides me a lot more freedom on what I can deliver without spending hours searching whois databases, and paying out for domains. I'm fairly pleased with the result. All Domains will also support more fluid conventions, such as http://Michael.Allen.Will.Be.Defeated.Aninote.com (willbedefeated.aninote.com also works). With a bit of work, I can make it so Dynamic Aninotes can be custom, and make it so YouAreMyLove can be Dynamic.

My goal was to bring the site back online and fully functional, which I've done. I have a lot of small and major improvement ideas in my head for the site, including additional Aninotes, but what I actually do depends on the interest people show for the site, if any. There may be a few kinks, so please report any bugs or unexpected errors you see.

- Robert